Legislative Priorities Overview
A critical part of MGSC’s work is to lobby in the state legislature for laws that protect the people of Maine from gun violence. Gun safety legislation makes a difference. Stricter gun laws passed by 40 states from 1991 to 2016 reduced gun deaths by nearly 4,300 in 2016, or about 10 percent of the nationwide total. States with stricter laws, such as background checks and waiting periods, consistently had fewer gun deaths. Find the study.
In light of the shooting on October 25, 2023, our legislative priorities for the Second Regular Session of the 131st Maine Legislature were as follows:
Extreme Risk Protection Orders - Did not come to a vote; subject of Citizen Initiative
Background Checks - ENACTED with the Governor’s signature
Ban of Bump Stocks and Other Rapid -Fire Devices - Passed both the House and Senate but vetoed by the Governor
72 Hour Waiting Period - ENACTED without the Governor’s signature
We will continue to advocate for those measures that did not become law.
Survey data from June 2023 and June 2021 show Mainers support our work.
We focus on gun safety, not gun control, and work with hunters, law enforcement, and other responsible gun owners to support measures that would make us all safer from tragedies caused by the use of a firearm.
Since many of the issues we address would also benefit from federal legislation, we also advocate in Washington when gun safety bills are being considered by Congress.
While there are numerous other statutory proposals that could help reduce gun violence, based upon our experience regarding what may be feasible and what would have the greatest impact in the state and national landscapes, we have identified some other legislative solutions. Click the links to read more.
Priorities may change from year to year based upon the landscape in the nation, the state and the Legislature. Information on proposed bills that gather traction will be on our Home page.