What We Do: Educate and Advocate

The Foundation Educates

Maine Gun Safety Coalition Foundation, a 501.c.3 nonprofit organization, protects our communities by collaborating with our partners including law enforcement, healthcare providers, gun owners and fellow citizens by providing education and programs.

  • We provide Free Gun Locks.

  • We operate a Pediatricians Program to train pediatric healthcare providers on how to best discuss gun safe storage with parents and guardians.

  • We promote a Gun Give Back Day run by local law enforcement.

  • We provide speakers through our Community Speakers Program for groups interested in improving gun safety in Maine. If you would like someone to speak to your group or would like to host an event contact us.

  • We provide information about how to safely store a gun.

  • We serve as a go-to resource for the Maine media regarding the effectiveness of gun laws in response to gun tragedies and the potential impact of proposed legislation.

  • We share Resources and other information with organizations, and towns on gun violence in Maine including gun-related domestic violence, suicides, and accidents, and the impact of gun safety laws and proposed legislative remedies.

  • We serve on state and federal task forces that study gun violence in Maine and the US Department of Justice’s Project Safe Neighborhoods.


The Coalition Advocates

Maine Gun Safety Coalition, a 501.c.4 nonprofit organization, is a leading and trusted voice in Maine advocating for evidence-based, common sense gun safety legislation, at state and federal levels. We advocate for responsible gun ownership, not gun control. Our expertise, credibility, working relationships, and history of success make us a trusted partner in these efforts.

  • We recognize candidates who support reducing gun violence through legislation.

  • We celebrate individuals and organizations who have been leaders in the effort to reduce gun violence with the annual Fitzgerald Awards.

  • We provide information to Maine citizens on upcoming legislative bills by educating and training members of the Show Up Network (SUN) on proposed gun legislation, the legislative process, and how to testify before the Legislature. In 2021 our then board chair Camilla Shannon and Nacole Palmer of SUN were interviewed by Betsy Sweet on Maine Challenge to discuss the importance of the network.