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It’s hard for state legislators to vote for gun safety bills when they primarily hear from the opposition.
Give them the backing they need to do the right thing by calling and writing to them.
As of June 2021, it is now a crime in the state of Maine to leave a firearm accessible to a child under age 16 under certain conditions.
Keep children safer from accidents and suicide by taking the following steps in your home:
1. Unload your firearms, lock them with cable locks (which are more effective than trigger locks), and then store the locked guns in another locked device such as a safe.
2. Store ammunition in a separate, locked device.
3. Use combination locks rather than keyed locks. (Children often know where keys are stored.) Or alternatively, use biometrically locked devices, which only open with your unique fingerprint.
For additional information see:
MGSC Pediatricians Video on Safe Storage
Journal of American Medical Association, Pediatrics; Gun Safety for Children
Let us help you host an event of your choosing! Whether you are an adult or a teen, your involvement can make a difference.
Opportunities include hosting an event at your high school, a meet and greet in your backyard for a legislative candidate, an information session about safe storage, a gathering of letter writers to compose letters to the editor, or some other event that advances the cause of gun safety.
Through our Community Speakers Program, we provide free speakers to interested organizations, towns, communities and individuals who wish to host an event to share information about gun violence in Maine and nationally, its cost in lives and trauma, and possible solutions.
For more information Contact Us.