Who We Are

Our two organizations focus solely on reducing gun violence. Our members include responsible gun owners, healthcare professionals, educators, parents, grandparents, and other concerned citizens focused on gun safety and increased personal responsibility, not gun control.

Executive Director Nacole Palmer

Maine Gun Safety Coalition

Board of Directors

Peggy McGehee, Falmouth, Chair

Joel Russ, Walpole, Vice-Chair

Rebecca Millett, Cape Elizabeth, Treasurer

Hillary Shende, Brunswick, Secretary

Gail Darling, Cape Elizabeth

David Fitz, MD, Cumberland

Peter Fromuth, Yarmouth

Geoff Gratwick, MD, Bangor

Margaret Groban, South Portland

William Harwood, Yarmouth

Mark Segar, South Freeport

David Souers, Friendship

Janice Vance, Kennebunk

Edward Walworth, MD, Lewiston

Advisory Board Members

Katherine Ahrens, Yarmouth

Deborah Murray, Portland

Elizabeth Remage-Healey, Portland

Susan Talbot, MD, Falmouth

Maine Gun Safety Coalition Foundation

Board of Directors

Peggy McGehee, Falmouth, Chair

Joel Russ, Walpole, Vice-Chair

Rebecca Millett, Cape Elizabeth, Treasurer

Hillary Shende, Brunswick, Secretary

Polly Haight Frawley, Cumberland

Lisa Gilbreath, Yarmouth

Julie Armstrong King, Cumberland

Fowsia Musse, Lewiston

James Poliquin, Cumberland

Mark Segar, South Freeport

Camilla Shannon, Yarmouth

Christopher Turner, MD, Portland

Edward Walworth, MD, Lewiston